GBA T-ball is open to boys and girls who have a birthday between May 1, 2019 and April 30, 2021. In other words, they will be either age 3 or 4 on April 30, 2024. New and returning players are welcome. We just ask your child is able to follow safety rules and two-step directions. GBA's goal is to have parents not be on the field with their child and we work with families to get their child comfortable to play on their own.
There are no tryouts for t-ball and everyone is welcome to play. We do expect a commitment from all our players, even at the t-ball level. Typically, we will have 1 practice and 1 game a week. Attendance at this age is very important to ensure a positive experience for all players.
T-Ball Registration Spring 2024
Please read the information provided at our main T-ball page here: and general GBA info here: